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Protecting From Spring Rains

Spring Rains – Roof Threat

One of the main threats to your roof structure during the spring season is the overabundance of rain. Heavy rain can lead to trapped water eventually turning into moisture damage. As the temperatures change and warm, sealants around your roof penetrations can fail and water can get in. This combination of extra moisture and rapidly changing temperatures can be a danger to your roof’s stability.

If there are cracks, holes or penetrations into the membrane (the layer under your shingles) it opens your roof up to another spring problem – pests! As animals begin to wake up and search for food or shelter you may run into issues with ants, squirrels, racoons, termites and birds.

A thorough roof inspection can determine if your roof is vulnerable and help you have any issues addressed quickly before they grow into something more serious. Schedule your free inspection with Phoenix Roofing at

Author: MikeDominick
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