Preparing Your Roof for Hurricane Season
Posted on June 21, 2023 at 7:33 pm | Uncategorized
Preparing Your Roof for Hurricane Season
Hurricane season begins June 1st and runs through November 30th. NOAA or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is forecasting a season with 12-17 named storms, with 5-9 of those becoming hurricanes. Hurricanes begin with a rating of 1, which has winds of 74 mph, to a rating of 5, which has winds of 111 mph. Of course these are just predictions and it only takes one storm to wreak havoc in your area. Being prepared now will save you a lot of heartache down the road.
So what can you do? Here are a few ways to prepare your roof for the potential of strong storms.
- Schedule an updated roof inspection that can identify potential problems or areas of weakness.
- Remove any potentially dangerous or harmful tree branches or overhanging foliage.
- Check with your insurance company to ensure your home is properly covered in the event of storm damage.
- Have equipment on hand such as tarps, flashlights, buckets and contact information for your roofer.
- Keep up with your roof maintenance such as cleaning gutters and removing debris.
It’s impossible to prevent all damage but preparation and planning can help lessen the blow of strong wind and rain. For more information on how to keep your home safe and secure contact the experts at Phoenix Roofing. You can schedule your free roof inspection today!
Visit them at www.phoenixroofingsc.com
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