Roofing Terminology
Posted on May 17, 2023 at 4:11 pm | Uncategorized
Important Roofing Terminology
Roofing is an important and complex industry. Before you begin investigating roof repair or replacement, it helps to have an understanding of the terminology you may encounter during your research. Here are some important terms to help you better understand your home’s roof.
– Roof – the top covering of a building or structure, including all structural components
– Architectural shingles – asphalt shingles made up of multiple layers cut in such a way as to give the roof a more three-dimensional appearance
– Decking – structural material over which a roof is constructed, often made of plywood or planks
– Eave – part of the roof that overhangs the wall of the home
– Fascia – wood trim placed just under the roofing and extending along the perimeter of the building
– Flashing – material installed around edges or roof penetrations to keep moisture from accessing the layers below
– Soffit – an exposed area of the roof under an eave or overhang
– Slope – refers to the steepness of the roof
– Valley – the place where two downsloping areas of a roof intersect
– Vent – opening that allows air to move from inside the building to the outside
These terms are just a few you may encounter when researching a roof repair or replacement. Roofing is a complex business which is why you can count on the experts at Phoenix Roofing to understand the importance of a roofing job done right. Contact Phoenix Roofing today to set up your free home roof inspection!
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