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Repairs That Cause Damage

Repairs That Cause More Damage

Unfortunately we see this happen more times that we would like.  A roof gets repaired incorrectly and the repair causes more damage than the initial problem. The videos we have here show the discovery of damaged, brittle shingles and their replacement.

Your roof is too important to risk with just any repair company. Not having a problem addressed correctly the first time can lead to more expensive and serious issues down the line. 

Phoenix Roofing has years of experience repairing and replacing roofs. They are OSHA certified with 50 hours of training. Roofer safety is a top priority along with providing unparalleled quality work and service.

Contact Phoenix Roofing for a free inspection – especially if you have had repair work done in the past.

#roofrepair #roofinspection #roofreplacement #roofdamage #shingles #stomdamage #architecturalshingles

Author: MikeDominick
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