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Roofing Felt in Columbia, SC Roofs

Roofing Felt in Columbia, SC Roofs

Roofing Felt in Columbia, SC Roofs

Roofs are made up of multiple layers that all have important roles to play in the structure and protection of your home. One of those layers is known as roofing felt – something that often doesn’t get much attention but should be better understood.

Roofing felt is a type of roofing underlayment – a type of barrier that is installed directly onto the roof deck, which is the wooden boards of your deck. It helps to provide an extra layer of protection between your home and the elements. Felt is especially helpful in protecting against wind-driven rain and snow.

Using an underlayment like roofing felt creates a thin, water-shedding barrier that protects homes in Columbia, South Carolina from moisture infiltration. This felt is typically made from natural materials such as wood cellulose soaked with a protective asphalt layer, known as bitumen.

Should storms damage your home and remove shingles, the felt would provide some protection to the roof deck until repairs could be made. Roofing felt can also help prevent staining of the shingles to keep your roof’s color and look.

Felt comes in two different weights, 15lb and 30lb. Local building codes may determine what types need to be used. Otherwise, 15lb felt is less weight on the home structure but not as durable as 30lb felt.

As an alternative to natural felt, synthetic felts are also an option. Synthetic offers better durability and is more tear resistant. It lays smooth and helps to keep water off the roof base. When installed correctly it offers superior weather protection to standard felt.

If you are building or buying a home in Columbia, SC, talk with the experts at Phoenix Roofing about roofing felt and what type of underlayment is best for your home!


Author: MikeDominick
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