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Roofing Myths

March 27, 2025 by MikeDominick

Phoenix Roofing has years of experience installing and repairing roofs of all kinds. We’ve heard a lot of roofing myths over the years and we are here to help clear them up!

Myth: Metal roofs attract lightning 

Fact: Metal roofs can safely disperse electrical energy and are not more prone to lightning strikes

Myth: New roofs don’t need maintenance

Fact: All roofs no matter how new need regular inspections and maintenance such as clearing debris and checking seals

Myth: Roof leaks will be obvious

Fact: Leaks can hide behind insulation or wood beams. The evidence from leaks may show up far away from the source. Regular roof inspections can help!

If you need a roof inspection, repair or maintenance contact Phoenix Roofing today!

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Using Tax Rebates

March 20, 2025 by MikeDominick

Not sure what to do with that tax rebate?

A roof repair or replacement is an investment back in your home.

Save money each month with a more efficient roof system.

Get your free quote today by calling 803-727-9382

Metal Roofs

March 6, 2025 by MikeDominick

Metal roofs are soaring in popularity!

Phoenix Roofing has the experience and expertise to install your metal roof.

Enjoy all the benefits a metal roof can provide:

–       Low maintenance

–       Longevity

–       Energy efficient

Contact us to get a quote on your metal roof!


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Insurance Help

February 27, 2025 by MikeDominick

Did you know?

If you have an insurance claim Phoenix Roofing will help you through the claim process! 

We will work directly with your insurance company to ensure you get the repair your roof needs.

Call us for a free roof inspection!


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Health Concerns

February 19, 2025 by MikeDominick

Roof Leaks and Your Health

We’ve covered before how damaging roof leaks can be to the structural integrity of your home. This article will discuss the dangers of roof leaks over time as water can lead to mold and mildew growth. Phoenix Roofing understands the importance of a strong roof and how to identify areas of concern so they can be fixed quickly!

Mold and mildew can develop in your ceiling, walls or insulation. As leaks continue to progress the unchecked moisture can lead to larger problems. Mold and mildew can affect your health in a variety of ways including:

  • Causing respiratory infections
  • Aggravation asthma
  • Worsening allergic reactions
  • Creating skin irritations such as eczema

If you suspect you may have a leak due to problems with your roof don’t hesitate to call Phoenix Roofing and set up a free inspection! You can easily schedule online at

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Gusty Season

February 11, 2025 by MikeDominick

As the weather fluctuates between warm and cold you may see more storms, rain and windy weather. This can be tough on a roof that just endured one of the coldest cold snaps in years. Any weaknesses in the roof structure or materials will be exposed even more as these storms come through. Don’t hesitate to schedule your roof inspection with Phoenix Roofing before more volatile spring weather comes in!

Warning signs for roof damage:

–       Wet spots on the ceiling

–       Excess granules in gutters

–       Missing shingles

–       Visible mold or mildew growth

If you suspect there are any areas of weakness in your roof, schedule a free roof inspection with Phoenix Roofing today! Visit us at

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Habitat For Humanity

February 5, 2025 by MikeDominick

Phoenix Roofing is proud to work alongside Habitat for Humanity in Central South Carolina to further their mission of providing homes for people in need. Since 1985, Central SC Habitat for Humanity has provided more than 250 homes in partnership with individuals and organizations across Richland and Lexington counties. Phoenix Roofing has been able to provide roofing expertise and labor on many of these projects.

If you would like to work alongside Phoenix Roofing in supporting the mission of Habitat for Humanity for your neighborhoods in South Carolina find out more about them at their website To learn more about Phoenix Roofing and the services we offer homeowners visit our website at

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Time is Now

January 30, 2025 by MikeDominick

Time is Now

Now that our snow has come and mostly gone, it’s a good time to get a roof inspection to make sure the winter precipitation didn’t cause any issues. The snow and ice can exacerbate potential problems that were already present in your roofing. Minor cracks and tears in the roof deck can expand with the addition of wintry weather.

Phoenix Roofing offers free roof inspections to prevent minor problems from becoming major.

Roof inspections look for:

–       Structural integrity

–       Unwanted movement

–       Signs of damage

–       Material condition

–       Damaged shingles

To schedule your roof inspection go to Don’t let a minor problem become a major expense! Let Phoenix Roofing keep your roof in the best shape possible.

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Your Roof Keeps You Warm

January 21, 2025 by MikeDominick

Arctic temperatures are making your home’s systems work harder to keep you comfortable inside. This means more heat running, fireplaces burning and blankets layering. So how does your roof help with all of this? In a lot of ways actually!

Asphalt shingles on your roof absorb heat from the sun which leads to a warmer home in the winter months.  If your roof is a darker color it will absorb even more heat from the sun. This will lead to the attic of your home being warmer and helping to keep your home snug in the cold.

Insulation in your attic helps to maintain the temperature of your home as well. It can keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. If you’re unsure about the amount of insulation in your home, a roof inspection can help! Phoenix Roofing knows what to look for to make sure your home stays dry and comfortable.

Schedule a free roof inspection at

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What are ice dams?

January 16, 2025 by MikeDominick

Artic temperatures dipped into the deep south this past week and are expected to stick around for most of January. So what does this mean for your roof? During extremely cold temperatures your roof could be prone to ice dams – a potentially harmful condition that needs attention from a roofing expert like Phoenix Roofing.

Ice dams are a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of the room and keeps water from rain or melting snow from draining off the roof. This can lead to water backups and ultimately leaks in the home.

Steps that can help remove or prevent ice dams are:

–       Remove snow from the roof – gently so as not to damage the shingles

–       Ensure the roof is air tight

–       Increase insulation between the house and attic space

If you are concerned that your home has issues with snow or ice build up or that weaknesses in the home make it susceptible to leaks schedule a free home inspection with Phoenix Roofing. Visit us online at

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